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Marguerite Pollard


Marguerite has extensive experience in education as a teacher, and administrator in public, private, and Catholic schools across the nation. Her experience spans preschool through college level with an emphasis in early learning. Having been a director for Head Start as well as owning her

own childcare - an early learning center, she takes a special interest in early learning. Marguerite’s educational background includes studies in early learning, counseling, and special education as well as educational law and school administration. Education and learning are her passions. Over 50

years of experience in education as a teacher, administrator, and curriculum consultant have given her a great understanding of the needs of teachers as well as the expectations of administrators. Outside of work, she enjoys painting and jewelry making and time with family and friends.


Judy Quick


Biography coming soon!


Julie Marsoobian


Julie has deep roots in Central California.  After receiving the Presidential Medal for Fresno State with a Business and Marketing degree, Julie ventured into management in the private sector.  Julie then returned to Fresno State to obtain her teaching credential. For the past 35 years, she has been embedded in the educational field. Julie started her educational career in the elementary classroom at Fresno Unified.  Educational publishing called and she spent 14 years in state adoption large organizations. During these years, Julie was a lead presenter, in-service facilitator, and manager of California teams.  Her family legacy is strong as her mother was a life-long educator and community leader. Both of Julie's daughters are elementary school teachers and all are active in serving in their communities.  She is proud to represent Central California.


Mary Gifford


Mary has had a multi-faceted career with Education being the common thread throughout. She taught Junior and Senior High School Reading, English, Spelling, and Music. She was the Educational Director for the Sacramento Symphony where she designed educational materials and programs for the Young People’s Concerts, created and presented in-services for school faculties, and coordinated and staged concert programming. For over 20 years, she has worked as an Educational Consultant representing the best of Language Arts materials and programs as well as innovative Math Software. She has made presentations at school faculty meetings for Language Arts and Math programs. Currently, she is an Educational Consultant serving portions of Northern and Central CA.

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Michael Doering:


Michael is an Educational Consultant and Rep serving Nevada and Northeast California.  Michael is based in Reno, Nevada, but he has lived and worked in Las Vegas and in Iowa.  Before his current role, he served as an Executive Director and Principal in the Washoe County School District, and prior to that he was a teacher, counselor and Southeast Region administrator in the Clark County School District.  Michael has a BFA in Art from the University of Iowa and two M.Eds from UNLV in Educational Leadership and in School Counseling and Psychology.  In addition to his extensive experience in education, he is married with three adult sons and he also works as a professional artist. 


Anne Bagatelos


Anne has 30 years in educational sales and publishing PreK through 12.  She has 19 years teaching Grades K through Grade 8, including 8 years with Montessori education.  She has extensive experience in the design of curriculum and professional development.  She has expertise in the field of English Language learners. Anne has presented at various conferences including CABE, NABE, TESOL, and other audiences.  Anne has authored numerous educational programs including Camp Can Do, an intervention and summer program for K-5.  She founded a nonprofit agency for the homeless called Project Wee Care.

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